The Sunshine House

2.20 Spooky Stories with Reece Carter

Zanni Louise Season 2 Episode 20

Reece Carter is the best-selling author of A Girl Called Corpse.

His love for stories — especially those filled with whimsy, magic, and a little bit of weirdness — began as a child growing up in rural Western Australia. There was an unfortunate lack of witches and ghosts on his family farm, and so Reece had to find them in books instead.

It wasn’t until high school though that Reece thought to try his hand at writing his own stories. He loved it, and never looked back.

Reece now lives in Sydney. When not reading or writing, he can usually be found talking to his dog, Hagrid, and hoping that one of these days Hagrid might decide to talk back.

His next book, The Lonely Lighthouse of Elston-Fright, will be out this October.

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This podcast episode is produced by Jen Pitch: @virtualcreatrix