The Sunshine House

2.18 Verse Novels with Karen Comer

Zanni Louise Season 2 Episode 18

Click here to watch the video Karen mentions:  Endings: The Good, the Bad, and the Insanely Great by Michael Arndt.

Karen Comer is a writer and freelance editor. She’s represented by Danielle Binks at Jacinta di Mase Management. She teaches a ten-month online writing course and presents writing workshops to schools and holiday programs. Her work as a freelance editor includes fiction for adults and children, as well as personal development, memoir, health, wellbeing and general business books.

Karen’s young adult verse novel, Grace Notes, was published by Hachette in February 2023. She wrote this during Melbourne’s six lockdowns – nowhere to go, time to write!

Her middle-grade verse novel, Sunshine on Vinegar Street, was published by Allen & Unwin in June. This book took her thirteen years to write and metamorphosed from a picture book to a middle-grade prose novel to a middle-grade verse novel.

Karen hopes to introduce more readers to the lyrical wonders of verse novels.

She lives in Melbourne with her family.

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This podcast episode is produced by Jen Pitch: @virtualcreatrix